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Strategic Plans of SAA

Over the years SAA’s response to HIV and AIDS has been guided by strategic plans or plans of action that span five years. The most recent SP 2011-2015 lapsed in December 2015. This necessitated development of a new five-year strategic plan (2017-2021). This third generation Strategic Plan is a road map that describes the organisation’s vision and mission, the strategic objectives to be achieved, and the principles and strategies that will guide interventions over the next five years. These interventions are geared towards supporting Africa with information from research and other resources such as capacity needed in order to reach the sustainable development goal for HIV as well as the 90:90:90 global targets. It also provides a strong platform towards strengthening African Health Systems.


Africa HIV Financing Scorecard

The African HIV Financing Scorecard takes an innovative but realistic look at how financing for the HIV response can be rethought.

Insights on untapped sources, advocacy materials for civil society and plain speak info on this complex but important area of the HIV response.

The research also has implications for broader health and pandemic preparedness too.

ICASA E-Bulletin