Press Release

Communiqué de presse: Le Ghana abritera la 23eme Conférence Internationale sur le VIH et les infections sexuellement transmissibles en Afrique (ICASA 2025)

La Société Africaine Anti-sida (SAA) a le plaisir d'annoncer que la République du Ghana a été désigné pour abriter la 23e édition de la Conférence internationale sur le SIDA et les IST en Afrique (ICASA), qui se tiendra du 3 au 8 décembre 2025 au Centre International de Conférence...

Press Release: Ghana Host Country of the 23rd edition of the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2025)

The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) is delighted to announce that Ghana has been selected as the host country for the 23rd edition of the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), which will take place in from 3rd to 8th December 2025 at the Accra International Conference Centre....


Date : 20 Août 2024 EMBARGO : Aucun (Pour diffusion immédiate) La Société Africaine Anti-Sida (SAA), Organisation non gouvernementale panafricaine de premier plan et organisatrice de la Conférence Internationale sur le SIDA et les IST en Afrique (ICASA), publie en urgence cette déclaration à la suite des déclarations d'urgence de santé...


Date: 19th August 2024 EMBARGO: None (For immediate release) The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), a leading pan-African non-governmental organization and the organizers of the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), issues this urgent statement following the declarations of monkeypox outbreaks as a Public Health Emergency by...

To end AIDS in Africa, UNAIDS urges governments and partners to ramp up the response to HIV

Press release HARARE/GENEVA, 9 December 2023—Africa can end AIDS as a public threat, but to do so governments and international partners need to increase actions to reach everyone in need. Actions include accelerating treatment for children living with HIV and HIV prevention for adolescent girls, young women and key populations....

UNAIDS calls for accelerated political and financial support for communities to lead in the response to HIV

Press release GENEVA/HARARE, 4 December 2023— The world can end AIDS as a public health threat if communities on the frontlines of the HIV response are fully engaged and supported to do their work. This was the important message UNAIDS brought today to the opening of the 22nd International Conference...

Le Zimbabwe abritera la 22eme édition de la Conférence Internationale sur le SIDA et les IST en Afrique (ICASA) du 4 au 9 décembre 2023

De la gauche (A l’avant): Dr. Bernard Madzima, Directeur Exécutif de la Commisssion Nationale contre le Sida assistant l’Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, Président de la SAA/ICASA 2023, en compagnie de l’Honorable General Dr. C. G.D.N. Chiwenga, Vice Président et Ministre de la Santé et de la protection de...

Zimbabwe to host the 22nd Edition of International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) from 4th to 9th December 2023

From left(Front): Dr. Bernard Madzima, CEO of NAC assisting Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, SAA/ICASA 2023 President, with H.E. Dr. C. G.D.N. Chiwenga, Vice President and Minister of Health and Childcare/ICASA 2023 Vice President, Zimbabwe, being assisted by Air Commodore (Dr.) Jasper Chimedza, Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Health...


Identification of fast-spreading HIV variant provides evidence of urgency to halt the pandemic and reach all with testing and treatment Around 10 million people living with HIV are still not on antiretroviral therapy GENEVA, 7 February 2022—Newly published research from the Netherlands has revealed the existence of a more transmissible and...