ICASA News publications


The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), represented by its President; Hon. Dr. David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa, hereby invites African countries wishing to host the 24th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa in 2027 (ICASA 2027) to send in their application bid document to the SAA Secretariat in...

ICASA 2027 bid officially launched in Ghana

Accra, Dec. 2, GNA-The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) has officially launched the 23rd International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2025) with a call on African countries to strengthen health systems. The conference, which will be held in Ghana from 3-8 December 2025 is on the...

Honorable members of ICASA 2025 International Steering Committee

Dear Virtual Participants Across the World, Esteemed Development Partners from the UN Agencies and other Partners, Honorable Board Members of the Society for AIDS in Africa, Members of the Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), Honorable Minister of Health of Ghana, Good People of Ghana, ICASA Director, Staff of the Society for AIDS in Africa, Honorable members...

Ghana to host ICASA 2025 from 3rd to 8th December

Ghana will from the 3rd to 8th December, host the 23rd edition of the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA). The event, which will be convened by the Society for AIDS, SAA, in Africa will bring together global leaders, community, researchers, advocates, and healthcare professionals to further the continent’s...

Communiqué de presse: Le Ghana abritera la 23eme Conférence Internationale sur le VIH et les infections sexuellement transmissibles en Afrique (ICASA 2025)

La Société Africaine Anti-sida (SAA) a le plaisir d'annoncer que la République du Ghana a été désigné pour abriter la 23e édition de la Conférence internationale sur le SIDA et les IST en Afrique (ICASA), qui se tiendra du 3 au 8 décembre 2025 au Centre International de Conférence...