ICASA 2023 Presentations (Recorded Sessions)
Session Time | Session Title |
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM | Special Session: In the Daily Life of Adolescent and Young People with Disabilities: focusing on HIV, SRHR and GBV Speakers:
10:45 AM – 11:10 AM | Abstract Driven Session: B4 – Adherence and retention Speakers:
12:05 AM – 12:50 PM | Special Session: Making it last longer: considerations for HIV treatment optimization for children Speakers:
01:05 PM – 01:50 PM | Abstract Driven Session: D2 -Policy, Politics and HIV Management Speakers: |
02:05 PM – 02:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Nécessité de la prise en compte des problèmes de droits humains et genre pour mettre fin au Sida en 2030. Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM | Special Session: Education Plus investment cases for transformative results –“Leveraging girls completion of secondary education for HIV prevention’’. Speakers:
12:05 AM – 12:50 AM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: HIV Financing: resources optimization to meet the 2030 targets amid the global health financing crisis Speakers:
01:05 PM – 01:50 PM | Workshop: CLM as part of national monitoring: Are we ready? Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
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Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM | Special Session: Ending AIDS in pediatric and children by 2030 Speakers:
12:05 PM – 12:50 PM | Abstract Driven Session: E5 – Public Health systems and the delivery of HIV care at scale
01:05 – 01:50 PM | Workshop: CLM (community-led monitoring) – a good tool to support HIV response in the region Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
08:45 – 09:30 AM | Workshop: Lifting Our Voices: Human Rights, Community Engagement And Gender Equality On The Path To World Health Organisation (WHO) Validation For EMTCT Speakers:
10:45 – 11:30 AM | Abstract Driven Session: D4 -Conceptualizing social and structural factors and their impacts Speakers:
01:05 – 01:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session – Accelerating HIV prevention through a continuum lens: • Multisectoral approaches for AGYW • Older women of reproductive age. Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
12:05 – 12:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: A Whole Government Approach: Addressing a multi-layered Challenge of New HIV Infections, SGBV and Adolescent Pregnancy (Triple Threat) Speakers:
01:05 – 01:50 PM | Abstract Driven Session: D3 -Intersecting stigmas, marginalized identities, Homophobia and transphobia Speakers:
02:05 – 02:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Youth-led Change: Youth Networks Accelerating the SRHR and HIV Response. Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
12:05 – 12:50 PM | Special Session: Socio-Economic empowerment policies for HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women: End Gender inequalities to end AIDS. Speakers:
01:05 – 01:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Accelerating combination prevention for key Populations; Addressing structural barriers, provision of services and social inclusion for People who use Drugs, Sex Workers and Trans Communities.Speakers:
02:05 – 02:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Improving Data utilization to better address stigma and discrimination: Fixing the Gap of financial resources, policies, strategies, and ownership. Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 – 11:30 AM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Role of civil society and community actors in the resilience of HIV programs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Togo. Speakers: |
02:05 – 02:50 PM | Workshop: Optimizing HIV self-testing and PREP to expand access and address inequities in HIV prevention response among young people from Key Populations. Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
01:05 – 01:50 PM | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Are People living with HIV (PLWH) at increased risk of infections with resistant organisms? Speakers:
02:05 – 02:50 PM | Workshop: Diagnosis and management of Cryptococcal Meningitis |
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Lessons learned about leveraging sub-regional strategies to strengthening community programmes in decolonizing context Speakers:
01:05 pm – 01:50 pm | Special Session: Management of Advanced HIV disease and opportunistic infections Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
12:05 pm – 12:50 pm | Abstract Driven Speakers: B2 – Treatment outcome among PLHIV and Aging issues Speakers:
01:05 pm – 01:50 pm | Abstract Driven Session: C2 – HIV and NCDs Speakers:
02:05 pm – 02:50 pm | Abstract Driven Session: C3 -PrEP Speakers:
03:05 pm – 03:50 pm | Special Session: Management of Cervical Cancer among women living with HIV Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Special Session: Shortening the time for access to new HIV, tuberculosis and malaria prevention technologies in Africa Speakers:
02:05 pm – 02:50 pm | Abstract Driven Session: C1 – HIV and Testing Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Special Session: The triple burden of HIV, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis in Africa Speakers:
12:05 pm – 12:50 pm | Workshop: Men and HIV: Breaking Barriers, Empowering Change! Speakers:
01:05 pm – 01:50 pm | Special Session: Aging and HIV Speakers:
02:05 pm – 02:50 pm | Abstract Driven Session: B3-Co-infections (TB, Hepatitis, STIs,Cryptococcus, bacterial diseases, leishmanosis, Malaria, others) Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Strengthen integration for better SRHR outcomes:
12:05 pm- 12:50 pm | Workshop: Le suivi dirigé par les communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest Speakers:
01:05 pm – 01:50 pm | Non-Abstract Driven Session: HIV Prevention-Right Place, Right time Speakers:
02:05 pm – 02:50 pm | Non-Abstract Driven Session: Knowledge and Access to SRHR Services to Prevent HIV/AIDS among youth Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Abstract Driven Session: D1 -Digital media, social networking and HIV prevention, treatment, care and support Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Abstract Driven Session: E6 – Interventions for increase uptake of and retention in HIV services Speakers:
Session Time | Session Title |
10:45 am – 11:30 am | Abstract Driven Session: E4 – Technologies for HIV care delivery Speakers: