ICASA 2021 Conference: Plenary Sessions

icasa 2021

Plenary Sessions

ICASA 2021 was a special Conference with unique speakers who shared interesting research and ideas with delegates. Click on each date and view details of speakers and recorded session video.

Session Chair: Prof. John Idoko, ICASA 2021 President/SAA President

Topic: To build, strengthen and invest in Africa’s scientific capacity and manufacturing of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics.
Speaker: Dr. Malebona Precious Matsoso (South Africa)
Topic: Sustaining the gains during COVID-19
Speaker: Dr. Matshidiso Moeti (Botswana)
Topic: Epidemic Control in Africa: Response from the Diaspora
Speaker: Ms. Doreen Moraa Moracha (Kenya)
Session Video:

Session Chair: Dr. Pagwesese David Parirenyatwa

Topic: Africa leadership to take to lead in ending AIDS in Africa: Abuja Declaration: where we are?
Speaker: Hon. Dr. Joe Phaahla (South Africa)
Topic: Management of COVID 19 in Africa: Impact & Way forward
Speaker: Dr. John Nkengasong (Cameroon)
Topic: HIV prevention is everyone’s Business: The pathway to stemming new infections in Africa.
Speaker: Dr. Natalia Kanem (Panama)
Session Video:

Session Chair: Dr. Namwinga Chintu

Topic: Political leadership and partnerships to promote and accelerate access to innovation prevention & care.
Speaker: H.E. Marisol Touraine (France)
Topic: The new Global strategy to end AIDS by 2030: what do we need to do different in Africa.
Speaker: Dr. Shannon Hader (Switzerland)
Topic: Health System Strengthening: The funding Landscape: health financing and Domestic Resource Mobilization.
Speaker: Madam Solange L. Baptiste (South Africa)
Session Video:

Session Chair: Prof. Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye

Topic: Implementing person centered Key population programming at scale.
Speaker: Mr. Roberto Paulo (Angola)
Topic: Impact of COVID on HIV Services
Speaker: Mr. Daouda Diouf (Senegal)
Session Video:

Session Chair: Prof. Samuel E. Kalluvya

Topic: Adolescent girls, young women & men: Key to achieving the end of AIDS in Africa in 2030.
Speaker: Dr. Thato Chidarikire (South Africa)
Topic: HIV Pediatrics: how far did we relieve the burden in children and what are perspective towards 2030?
Speaker: Dr. Chewe Luo (Zambia)
Topic: Addressing the needs of People who Use Drugs to achieve epidemic control.
Speaker: Mr. Richard Nininahazwe (Burundi)
Session Video: